In the1940s the declining power practiced imperial trade preferences; the rising power championed an open world economy. 上世纪40年代时,衰落一方奉行的是帝国式贸易政策,崛起一方倡导的则是开放的全球经济模式。
He is held prisoner of fear of a great rupture in his party akin to convulsions about the corn laws in the 19th century and imperial trade preferences early in the 20th. 原因是他担心保守党出现巨大分裂,就像19世纪因《谷物法》(cornlaws)和20世纪初因帝国贸易优惠问题造成的分裂一样。
Above all, from the political perspective, imperial preferences impact the compiling of Catalogue. And Ming loyalist is a sensitive topic in early Qing Dynasty, their poem Was intentionally obscured. 政治方面来说,帝王好尚对于馆臣的编撰影响颇大:明遗民作为清朝特别是初中期的敏感话题,其诗歌成就被有意遮蔽。